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- !Part(s) //obsolete
- !BuyPrice(i)
- !SellPrice(i)
- !AddCarType(s) // defines that this part is available for specified car type (s - Car ID); may be used several times
- !AddRequiredPart(s) // defines that in order to use this part, you also need to use part with ID (s); may be used several times
- !Type(s) // type of the part - gearbox, muffler etc. //obsolete
- !CanBeDamaged(i)
- !SetParam(s,s)
- !AvailableOnStart(s)
- !DisabledOnStart(s)
- !Icon(s)
- !AdditionalIcon(s)
- !ManufacturerIcon(s)
- !Name(s)
- !Health(f)
- !DamageThreshold(f) // minimum damage value, that can damage this part (damage threshold)
- !AddGridLocation(i, i, i, f) // location of this part in parts grid (nX, nY, nZ, fMembership)
- // Description:
- // Parts grid is 3 dimmensional matrix holding in its cells fragments of car parts. (Part may occupy more than one
- // cell)
- // nX = [0, 2] (0 - left, 2 - right)
- // nY = [0, 1] (0 - down, 1 - up)
- // nZ = [0, 2] (0 - front, 2 - rear)
- // fMembership - how many damage (fraction) from this grid cell part should take (all part locations fMembership
- // values should give sum equal 1.0
- !InstallSlot(s) // name of slot in car to install this part
- !PowerMulMax(f) // car engine power multiplier - max value (part not damaged)
- !PowerMulMin(f) // car engine power multiplier - min value (part damaged)
- !PowerAddMax(f) // car engine power addition - max value (part not damaged)
- !PowerAddMin(f) // car engine power addition - min value (part damaged)
- !WeightMul(f) // car weight multiplier
- !BrakeMulMax(f) // car brakes efficiency muliplier - max value (part not damaged)
- !BrakeMulMin(f) // car brakes efficiency muliplier - min value (part damaged)
- !GripMulMax(f) // car grip multiplier - max value (part not damaged)
- !GripMulMin(f) // car grip multiplier - min value (part damaged)
- !GearChangeTimeMax(f) // gear change time - max value (part not damaged)
- !GearChangeTimeMin(f) // gear change time - min value (part damaged)
- !MaxNonTarmacKM(f) // max KM driven on non Tarmac surface before part wears out
- !MaxTarmacKM(f) // max KM driven on Tarmac before part wears out
- !SportCharacteristicMul(f)
- !DamageThresholdMul(f)
- !include("Parts\\Light.def")
- !include("Parts\\Glass.def")
- !include("Parts\\MeshPart.def")
- !include("Parts\\Bonnet.def")
- //part types
- !Brakes(s)
- !Body(s)
- !Chip(s)
- !Engine(s)
- !EnginePlate(s)
- !Electrics(s)
- !Filter(s)
- !Gearbox(s)
- !Muffler(s)
- !Nitro(s)
- !Kit(s)
- !KSusp(s)
- !Spoiler(s)
- !Exhaust(s)
- !Suspension(s)
- !Springs(s)
- !Turbo(s)
- !Tyres(s)
- !Differential(s)
- !GPS(s)
- !Stabilizers(s)
- !Spacers(s)
- !Struts(s)
- !Cooler(s)
- !CarPartMesh(s)
- !Door(s)
- !Antenna(s)
- !BendAnimFrames(i, i) // frames containing antenna bend animation (start frame, end frame)
- !MaxBendAngle(f) // max antenna bending angle corresponding to end anim frame
- !Painting(s)
- !SkinNormal(s)
- !SkinMenu(s)
- !SkinGhost(s)
- !CarIcon(s) // icon for car after painting
- !IncludePart(s) // add part to kit
- !AddCategory(s,s)
- !Category(s)
- !FitsCarModel(s)
- !FitsCar(s)
- !CarSetupOptionsDef(s)
- !VisScript(s)
- !RepairGroup(s)
- !AdditionalProfileInfo(s)
- !AddRepairGroup(s,s) // id, name
- !DifferType(i)
- !DamageMul(s,f) // realism level damage mul
- !WearoutMul(s,f) // realism level wearout mul
- !WearoutInfluenceMul(s,f) // realism level wearout influence mul